Founded on a sunny California afternoon in July of 2001, Techcom3 was once a collection of sloppy HTML and simple JavaScript functions. Advancements came in leaps, the biggest of which occured with the move to the .undefyned server. This breif home of TC3 allowed supported PHP, an extensive server-side language, which allowed me to create interactive content. Techcom3 moved back to Tripod in April 2003, forcing me to scale back much of the PHP-enabled content. Techcom3 has always been an outlet to display my talent. I use simple text editors to create and edit web pages with HTML and client-side scripts. My interests in PC gaming and basketball are evident, as these are the main focuses of Techcom3. For two years I have been working on the website for Mesa Middle School, and in my freshman year in high school I will do Nipomo High School's. |